Literary Festival
Cagliari 26/28 November 2021
The first literary and cultural review is born in Cagliari - scheduled from 26 to 28 November in several locations in the city - with the artistic direction of Isa Grassano , professional journalist and writer, the coordination and organization of Ileana Coiana, owner and CEO of Ilda Events srls and in collaboration with the Municipality of Cagliari Tourism Department.

It's called " BookIn Cagliari " and it plays on the verbal coincidence. Book , in English means both "book" and "to book" and " to book " is one of the most used verbs in tourism terminology. Just think that "booking" is one of the most popular portals for booking hotels, trips and tourism-related services. The idea for the format and the claim is by Paolo Mancini , journalist and writer.
This festival makes inclusivity and the ability to attract people of all ages and levels of education its mission. The goal is a book festival capable of attracting not only book lovers, but also those who simply want to spend a moment of light and engaging culture diffusion.
A three-day event, in which through various talks and meetings on different literary genres, it will be possible to interact with writers, including well-known faces of television appeal.
The common thread will be the journey , the one to the places that emerge from the pages, the one with fantasy and thoughts, the one that brings with it stories, the one that is experienced with people.
The program, in addition to the authorial and editorial presentations, includes a series of events that will make this first edition of "BookIn Cagliari" special and dynamic. There will be no shortage of journalists and bloggers to experience the city and the festival and tell about it through their press and social channels.


Venerdì 26 novembre
MEM - Mediateca del Mediterraneo
Ore 17:00
Roberto Deriu, "La pantera di Bultei" (Condanghes)
modera Francesco Pitirra
Ore 18:00
Cristina Caboni, "La ragazza dei colori" (Garzanti)
modera Isa Grassano
Ore 19:00
Ciro Auriemma, "Il vento ci porterà" (Piemme)
modera Valeria Pecora Schirru
Sabato 27 novembre mattina
Il Lido Di Cagliari
Ore 10:30
Gianluca Bota, "Un mare di Favole" (Giraldi)
modera Giuliano Guida Bardi
Ore 11:30
Serena Grandi, "Serena a tutti i costi. Lettere di una vita mai inviate" (Giraldi)
modera Isa Grassano e Giuliano Guida Bardi
Sabato 27 novembre pomeriggio
Villa Fanny
Ore 17:30
Diego Galdino, "Principessa Saranghae" (Bertoni)
modera Gianluca Bota
Ore 18:30
Catena Fiorello, "Amuri" (Giunti)
modera Isa Grassano
Domenica 28 novembre mattina
Palazzo Doglio
Ore 10:00
Maddalena Milone, "Gli eventi: dalla progettazione all'organizzazione" (Franco Angeli)
modera Alessandra Accardi
Ore 11:00
Anna di Cagno, "Gala Éluard Dalì. Per interposti uomini" (Morellini) e Isabella Brega "La verità di Elvira. Puccini e l'amore egoista" (Albeggi edizioni)
modera Isa Grassano
Domenica 28 novembre pomeriggio
Palazzo Doglio
Ore 16:30
Elena Mearini, "I passi di mia madre" (Morellini)
modera Ornella Schirru
Ore 17:30
Gabriella Genisi, "I quattro cantoni" e gli altri di Lolita (Sonzogno) e Patrizio Nissirio, "D'Inverno, Venezia" (Ensemble)
modera Maria Francesca Chiappe
Ore 19:00
Lory del Santo "La felicità come optional" (Giraldi)
modera Anna di Cagno e Isa Grassano
N.B. Ingresso libero fino a esaurimento posti con green pass obbligatorio, secondo le disposizioni vigenti.